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Amãna Bank wins multiple accolades at IFN Awards

Amãna Bank July 26, 2023

Amana Bank is proud to announce that it has been recognized with multiple accolades at IFN Awards 2022, a leading awarding body that distinguish the best and leading players in the global Islamic finance industry based on their contributions in 2022. Hosted by Malaysian based RedMoney Group, the IFN Awards 2022 witnessed Amana Bank win the coveted title for Best Islamic Bank in Sri Lanka in addition to being adjudicated the Best Corporate Bank, Best Digital Offering, Best Retail Bank and Most Innovative Bank in Sri Lanka.

These accolades are a testament to not only Amana Bank’s best practices in supporting the SME and Retail segments, but also the commitment to providing exceptional banking services to its customers in Sri Lanka. The Bank’s focus on exploring opportunities and growth in the digital banking space, providing innovative people friendly financial products and its excellent customer service has been recognized and celebrated by IFN.

“We are honored to have once again won the title of ‘Best Islamic Bank in Sri Lanka’ from IFN along with recognition for our outstanding digital offerings, retail banking, corporate banking and innovation,” said Mohammed Azmeer, Managing Director/CEO of Amana Bank. “This reaffirms our commitment to maintaining our legacy of excellence and further contributing to the growth and development of Sri Lanka’s financial sector. We are grateful to all our employees, customers and stakeholders for their continued support.”

Amãna Bank PLC is a stand-alone institution licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange with Jeddah-based IsDB Group being the principal shareholder having a 29.97% shareholding of the Bank. The IsDB Group is a ‘AAA’ rated multilateral development financial institution with a membership of 57 countries. Testifying its position as a leading practitioner of the non-interest-based banking model, Amãna Banks continued to be recognized amongst the Top 100 Strongest Islamic Bank’s in the World by The Asian Banker.

Amãna Bank does not have any subsidiaries, associates, or affiliated institutions apart from its engagement with OrphanCare as its Founding Sponsor.


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