Amana Bank further strengthened its Independent Sharia Supervisory Council with the inclusion of Ash-Sheik Mufti Muhammad Hassan Kaleem, an established Islamic banking academic and practitioner from Karachi, Pakistan.
Ash-Sheik Hassan Kaleem is a permanent faculty member of Jamiah Darul-Uloom Karachi (a leading Institute of Islamic Sciences in Pakistan) and the Centre of Islamic Economics, Karachi. He is also a trainer of Sharia standards at the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI), Bahrain and a visiting faculty member of the National Institute of Banking and Finance (State Bank of Pakistan).
Ash-Sheik Hassan Kaleem is a Sharia Board member in many financial institutions including Pak Kuwait Takaful Company Limited, Pak Qatar Family Takaful, Deloitte (Global Islamic Finance Team), Siraj UBL Funds, Hanover Re-Takaful Bahrain and Takaful Emirate. He has also served many years as a Sharia Advisor to Al Baraka Islamic Bank (Pakistan Operations) and to various Sukuk issues. He is a member of the committee for revising the Takaful rules 2005, formed by the Security & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. He holds an Alimiyyah (Masters in Islamic Sciences) and Takhassus (Specialization in Fatwa) degree from Darul-Uloom, Karachi.
Ash-Sheik Hassan Kaleem will join an experienced team of Sharia scholars including Rtd. Justice Ash-Sheik Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (Executive Member and Chairman of the Sharia Board of AAOIFI and a former member of the Sharia Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan), Ash-Sheik M.M.A Mubarak (former President and the present Vice-President of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema), Ash-Sheik Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe (President of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema) and Ash-Sheik Mohd Nazri Bin Chik (Assistant General Manager and the Head of Sharia Division of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad).